3docpediatrics wants to work with parents in establishing a safe and agreeable immunization schedule for their children based on their family habits, dietary tendencies, and medical history. We strongly encourage the use of vaccines to aid a child's long-term wellness. 

Please refer to the CDC vaccine information statements included below, to find out more about the different types of vaccines. Further down you will find our recommended immunization schedule.

CDC Vaccine Information Statements (VIS)

Medical Symbol And Clipboard Isolated On White by renjith krishnan.jpg
Age Vaccine
1 month Hepatitis B (2nd, first dose at the hospital)
2 months DTaP, Hib

Two weeks later
Pneumococcal, Polio
4 months DTaP, Hib

Two weeks later
Pneumococcal, Polio
6 months DTaP, Hib (rotarix optional)

Two weeks later
6 months (alternative) Influenza

Two weeks later
9 months Hepatits B (3rd)
12 months MMR, Varicella

One month later
Pneumococcal, Polio
15 months DTaP, Hib
4 years MMR, Varicella
5 years DTaP, Polio